
Serious health issue cause by smartphones

A number of hours spent using at our smartphones may cause a potential damage.  As we increasingly centered into our handsets, using them every other minute to check some updates, we are prone to smartphone health risk.

Based to the British Chiropractic Association, our obsession with devices has brought to a surge in the number of young people with back problems, as the volume of time put in leaning over smartphone screen can put spine discs under stress.

Sore backs are not the only harmful effects of our smartphones, many complaint listed. Here is why mobile phones are bad for our physical, mental and emotional health together with cellular country complaints.


Rather of connection, the possibilities for constant smartphone interaction can make us feel Anxiety -cellular country complaintsseparated. Young people, who invested their 11 hours looking at their smartphones every day, expect regular updates from their friends, and messages can cause to anxiety. According to Dr. Richard Graham, a psychologist specializing in technological addiction at Nightingale hospital, “There’s the terrible feeling that the person is ignoring you,” also Dr. Graham mentioned, “Young people have to manage feeling excluded by people that are very important to them.”